"Heart, Strength and
Dedication - |
Ed is a newcomer to the Cowboys from a historical perspective and could rightfully be called a rookie among "Cowboys' of the Year", despite his age. He didn't join the team until 2009 but has played every year since the Cowboys' over 50 team began. Right away he showed himself to be a Cowboy through and through. He is the first one to arrive in the dressing room and usually the last one to leave. He has a keen interest in the team as an organization and invests great attention to his teammates on a personal level. He is always willing to help out and the first to volunteer when something needs to to done, While his ability to carry the team on the ice has since past, he is still willing to carry us off the ice (he packs the team defibulator machine). He's always got your back. All hockey players know that the true measure of a player is evident in the dressing room. That is where Ed truly shines. He always has a smile on his face, a story to tell and loves a good joke, even if he is the brunt of it. He's the kind of guy everyone likes and the kind of player every team needs. Mr Whitby has well earned the title of Cowboys of the Year and will certainly be long recognized as one of the Cowboy greats. Here's to you Ed! By Doug Collins, "Cowboy of the Year 2013-14"