Cowboys Hockey

"Heart, Strength and Dedication -
A Leader, a Competitor, a Gentleman"

Rick May
Rick May 2012-2013

Rick May enters the ranks of 'Cowboy of the Year' from a different angle. True, he bears the surname and heritage qualifying him for the honour, (being a nephew of the Cowboy Daddy (Duncan May) himself) but Rick did not wear the Cowboy jersey until much later in life. He had well earned the title of "senior" when the rest of the team caught up with him with the establishment of the Cowboys' Over 50 Senior team and by then he was quite familiar with what it meant to be a Cowboy. And he demonstrated it too.

Rick has played on the 'Old Boys' team since it was formed in 2009 and you can count the games he has missed on one hand. And when he isn't there, he is missed... that's because he is the beer man. But his willing to take on the task is just one example of his dedication to the team and willingness to serve. Beer is not the only thing Rick brings to the team. He also brings a positive attitude and a giant Cowboy heart. He comes by it honestly and he displays it proudly. The title 'Cowboy of the Year' is altogether appropriate.